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Grange C of E Primary School

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The School Day

8.40-8.45am arrival (member of staff on duty)
8.45-9.10am Registration completed (Registers are taken at 8.45am and children arriving after this will be marked as late.
8.45-9.45am Lesson time
9.45-10am Collective Worship
10.00-10.15am Playtime
10.15-11am Lesson time
11.00-12.00 Lesson time
12.00-1.00pm Lunch time
1.00-3.15pm Lesson time

There is an afternoon break for Class 1 from 2.30-2.45pm

The total compulsory weekly time in school for all children is 32.5 hours

Safety and Security

Staff are on duty from 8.40am, when the school is responsible for the children. On arrival at school the children wait in the KS1 playground, unless it is wet or very cold when they are allowed to come indoors. Teachers will be in school outside these hours preparing and marking, it must not be assumed that they are available to supervise children.

Doors will be open for R, Y1 and Y2 at 8.40am and staff will be there to meet the children. A staff member in KS2 will take all the KS2 children to the junior playground at 8.40am where they will line up ready to go inside.

After 8.45am and for the rest of the day, exterior doors are locked and all parents and visitors are asked to ring the bell in the main entrance where the child will be signed in.

At the end of the day, all Y2 and KS2 (except Y6 who leave by the front door) children walk out together with a member of staff to meet parents in the KS1 playground. Children in Nursery, Reception will be handed over to parents from the shelter area outside the classroom and those in Y1 from the classroom door. For the safety of all the children we would ask all private cars to park away from the areas marked by double yellow lines. If a parent is late collecting their child, staff will ask the child to wait inside school until they are collected-this is usually at the office.