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Grange C of E Primary School

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We are a safeguarding school and view safety online as a vital part of our work.  Children in this school have a carefully planned programme of e-safety lessons and parents are kept informed about their learning in this area and about ways to keep their children safe online. 

Whilst in schools pupils are granted supervised internet access, appropriate to their age and ability (unless the parents have specifically denied permission or the child is subject to a sanction as part of the Whole School Behaviour policy). Parents will be asked to read and sign the School Acceptable Use Agreement for pupil access and discuss it with their child, where appropriate.

Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement

Our Heartsmart and Kidsafe programmes also teach about keeping safe online. 

What do we teach in school?

internet safety leaflet for parents 23.pdf


Useful websites

Below are some links to useful websites and information to support parents in keeping children and young people safe online. It is never too soon to become more familiar with the issues that you might face as children grow up.



Online Safety Guidance for Parents

smart rules poster a3.pdf