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Grange C of E Primary School

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

School SENCO - Mrs Laisby

SEND Information Report/Local Offer

We offer an inclusive curriculum and programmes to ensure the best possible progress for all children, whatever their needs or abilities.

We aim for every child with SEND to be happy, valued, successful, confident and fully integrated into school life. We believe that diversity is a strength, which should be celebrated by all those who are associated with the school.

We are committed to the successful inclusion of pupils with SEND. 

Many children, at some time in their school life, require some extra support for various reasons. We recognise that this can be a stressful and worrying time for the child and their parents. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns about your child's particular needs, please speak to their class teacher in the first instance.  Your child and your expertise as their parent are at the heart of everything we do; we value your views and the support you can offer in helping us to help your child to reach their full potential.

What is the school’s vision for all children?

We recognise that everyone is unique, valued and matters to God.  We will be rooted and grounded in biblical teaching and our school values of love, hope and trust, having a deeply Christian foundation, with 'Life in all its fullness' at its heart. 

How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think a child may have special educational needs? 

Grange CE has an open-door policy; believing that frequent contact between staff and parents/carers helps to identify concerns early and address issues as soon as possible.  If children, parents/carers have concerns, school staff will be available to discuss those concerns and together the best plan of support will be developed. The child's class teacher will discuss any concerns passed on by the parent/carer with the SENCO/Headteacher.  

School may have observed a child’s difficulties in accessing some aspects of their education. A child may have issues attaining an expected level and barriers to their learning may need to be explored, these maybe specific learning difficulties or general barriers to learning. There may be social/behavioural issues that may become apparent as the child is observed in school or identified by parents/carers. It is important to us as a school that a two-way communication is maintained. 

We have excellent liaison with Grange pre-school and have our own on-site nursery which helps early identification of need and enables us to share concerns, programs of support and to help open a dialogue with parents/carers.   

Where the child has known additional needs, the school works closely with parents/carers and any previous setting to make sure that there is a smooth transition and that resources, as far as possible are in place before the child starts.  

How will the school support my child? 

Pupils and parents/carers together with Class Teachers, with the support of Assistants, will plan and implement the educational programme, with support from the school SENCO. The frequency of support will be decided by  parents/carers and Class Teachers with regard to the views of the child, so that the best way teaching/helping is found, this will be reviewed regularly by all those involved. 

Teachers, with the support of a Teaching Assistant (where appropriate) and SENCO, will help deliver/oversee the support and assess the impact on the education of the child. 

The class teacher will keep a record of the child’s progress and the actions taken.  This will inform the next step for the child.   

The school SENCO (Mrs Laisby) informs and updates the SEN Governor/s on a regular basis, they are invited to meet the children and view the support that school offers. 

Our school has a duty to make sure pupils with SEND are not discriminated against and we will make ’reasonable adjustments’ where possible such as providing extra support or aids to learning.  This may include a different approach to learning or adaptations to ensure that the child has the support they need to flourish. This may be different for each child. 

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? 

Whenever possible, all children are included in class lessons and supported within class with adaptive teaching to a level appropriate to the child’s needs. Some lessons take place in classes or groups where the children share an ability level. We believe in quality first teaching and this means wherever possible the child will take part in all lessons but these may need to be adapted in some way for the child. Occasionally children are taught individually or in small groups for short periods if this is the most appropriate method of supporting their needs.  Some children need a quiet space of time to move around and wherever possible this will be accommodated. 

It is expected that all children will be happy, safe and reach their full potential and school will do whatever is possible to fulfil this expectation.   

This may include adapting materials, changing the way a child accesses the content-such as using IT or having information broken into small chunks, pre-teaching and providing equipment where possible to assist the child to take a full part in the lesson. 

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning? 

There will be regular opportunities to discuss your child’s progress outside the normal reporting arrangements with the Class Teacher, Teaching Assistant or SENCO. Staff are usually available at the beginning or end of the school day for brief discussions or by appointment if you need longer to discuss your child's needs. 

Grange CE prides itself on having an open-door policy and encourages parents/carers to communicate any concerns as soon as possible, sometimes this is by home-school book. 

Children’s targets and outcomes will be shared and discussed with parents/carers.  School, with the involvement of parents/carers, will constantly monitor the progress of children and adapt the ways they are taught, if necessary, progress will be monitored through teacher assessment and where appropriate through tests, such as that used by the school for reading. 

School will keep parents/carers informed about the progress their child is making and how this compares to age expected attainment. 

School will give opportunities for parents/carers to have regular contact to facilitate a sharing of information about their child’s activities, progress or issues. 

There will be regular opportunities for parents/carers to discuss the education of their child. This will include the planning and support within school and how this might be best supported by parents/carers at home. 

Parents/carers will be given the opportunity to discuss the targets set for their child. Progress will be reviewed and new targets set, where appropriate with the involvement of the pupil and parents/carers, each term. 

Education and Health Care plans will be reviewed in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice. 

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being? 

The safety and well-being of all children at Grange CE is our number one priority. 

Grange CE offers excellent safeguarding through its dedicated, well trained, staff who follow a stringent Health and Safety Policy. 

An open dialogue is encouraged with pupils, parents/carers and School staff to address any concerns as soon as they arise. 

Grange CE strives to empower pupils with a child centred practice. The views of pupils are taken into account when planning provision. 

There is a dedicated toilet area which can be used by pupils who need private facilities and personal care. This has a changing bed. Provision is made for children who require regular medication.  This is recorded and monitored by staff with medication being stored as required near to the child or in a secure place elsewhere in the school. 

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school? 

The staff at Grange CE are experienced at dealing with and supporting a variety of issues. We constantly keep our skills updated and acquire new skills when the opportunities occur through training and professional development. 

When we find ourselves faced with issues that we have no previous experience with we endeavour to either up skill ourselves or seek professional advice from external agencies.   

We have developed links with other schools in the area through South Lakes Rural Partnership SENDCo group in order to share good practice, expertise.  We also have good links with local professionals and the Local Authority in relation to assessing pupils' needs.  

What training is the staff receiving or have completed to support children with SEND?

Grange CE is a member of the South Lakes Rural Partnership of SENCOs and is able to access an ongoing program of training opportunities that are relevant and appropriate to current good practice. 

Grange CE has staff on role (or access to staff) who have a variety of specialist training and knowledge including: 

  • Reading Intervention, First Aid, and Autism Spectrum Condition, Positive Handling-Team Teach, Safeguarding and Dyslexia. 
  • Speech and Language Therapy 
  • Nursing service  

How accessible is the school environment? 

Our building is partly wheelchair accessible (however part of the school is accessed via a set of stairs) and we have one accessible toilet facility with a changing mat and disposal bin and hoist.  Doors are wide enough in most parts of the school to allow wheelchair access and the main entrances front and rear, are either on the flat or accessed by a ramp. The main corridor doors have fire-initiated closers to enable them to be kept open for access. Play areas are accessible. There is a lift to access the upper KS2 play area.  

The school is equipped with carpets in classrooms to aid the auditory environment and blinds on the windows to ensure clarity of visual access. 

Where free-flow is operated, as in nursery and reception classes, outdoor areas are accessible. Within the class areas equipment is generally stored at child height and low levels to aid independence.  Classrooms can be re-organised to provide better flow around tables and storage if required in consultation with the pupil, parents/carers and professionals. 

We will endeavour to offer translation services for those whose first language is not English if so required.  

We are able to communicate with parents/carers through a variety of means; face-to face; home-to-school books; Tapestry learning journals in the EYFS; email, messages on SchoolApp and Google Classroom. 

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school or to transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

Grange CE is always keen to initiate communication and transition between feeder pre-school and nursery schools, and any secondary schools pupils might be moving on to well in advance of any projected transfer. 

Visits are arranged, meetings attended, and information shared between parents/carers and all educational establishments.  The school has staff that work in the local pre-school as well as in nursery and this supports smooth transition. 

Parents/carers are encouraged to develop a dialogue with Grange CE staff, to air their worries and concerns and to become familiar with the staff they will be meeting most often. 

We have induction days in the summer term for new pupils and support our Year 6 pupils in their induction to the secondary school of their choice.  Additional transition days (nurture days) can be offered for pupils who need more time to familiarise themselves with the secondary school. 

When children move to a new school, Grange CE will offer an open communication with the parents/carers and the new establishment. The SENDCO will endeavour to establish contacts between the new school and parents/carers and support any transfer. 

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’ SEN? 

Once a child’s needs are assessed and the best way of supporting those needs are agreed between the child, the parents/carers and school, then support will be implemented. It maybe that the child is supported through differentiation within class, supported in a small group with similar needs or supported individually. Whatever the means of support, it will be offered with the consent and agreement of the child and the parents/carers. It will be delivered carefully, creatively and economically. 

To ensure support is being effective it will be regularly reviewed by the child, parents/carers and the school to decide whether it should be maintained, adjusted, increased or diminished. 

At times a short intense period of support may be sufficient to enable the child to access the curriculum and catch up with peers. In some cases, tasks need to be adapted or another adult may need to support the child individually or as part of a group over a longer period of time. 

Grange CE school employs Teaching Assistants to support individuals and groups on EHCPs. In addition, TA support is available depending on need for individuals/groups of pupils. 

SEND funding is also used to provide equipment and IT support for pupils who require it. 

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive? 

Once concerns about a child are raised, by either the child themselves, parents/carers or the school, then the child will be assessed and their barriers to learning identified. An initial level of support will be offered in school by the teacher and progress monitored. 

If the support offered proves effective, it will be monitored and maintained or adjusted as needs be. If this initial level of support is not seen to be offering the desired level of progress, then further advice will be sought, with parental/carer consent, and the possibility of external professional advice used to devise a more appropriate plan of support. If after careful monitoring, and once again with the agreement of the child, parents/carers, then the school may apply for more support through a Health and Education Plan. 

The fundamental principal of offering the best possible means of support through open dialogue between the child, the parents/carers is at the heart of Grange CE SEND practice. 

Supporting Policies

Cumbria’s Local Offer